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Clube Vetnil

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Earn rewards and find stores easily with this convenient loyalty app

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Clube Vetnil is a comprehensive customer loyalty application designed to reward you for purchasing specific products. You register, locate the nearest stores carrying eligible products, and purchase them. By uploading a photo of your tax coupon, these purchases earn you VetCoins. These coins can then be redeemed through the loyalty program, enhancing the overall shopping experience. Notably, the app helps you find the closest store with participating products, adding convenience to your shopping routine. Engage in this rewarding system and make the most efficient use of your shopping efforts by redeeming your accumulated points directly from your device. This offers a modern way to gain rewards while ensuring your loyalty pays off.

Designed for optimal convenience, the application is perfect for savvy shoppers looking to gain extra value from their regular purchases.

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By making it easy to earn rewards while shopping, Clube Vetnil ensures that every purchase adds extra value. This platform not only simplifies the earn-and-redeem process of loyalty points but also aids in locating the nearest participating outlets, making your shopping experience smooth and beneficial.

This review has been crafted using the insights provided by WAB Agência Digital.

Requirements (Latest version)

  • Android 5.0 or higher required

Information about Clube Vetnil 4.0.6

Package Name club.vetnil.app
License Free
Op. System Android
Category General
Language English
Author WAB Agência Digital
Downloads 0
Date Jan 14, 2024
Content Rating +3
Advertisement Not specified
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